Whichcraft, Jeroen cremers

With my work I am trying to reveal the questions surrounding our possible communicational barbarisms – our individualism, our greed for sensation, our mass consumption, our alienation from ourselves. The show “Whichcraft” proceeds from these questions, it plays with the spell we are living on and with its effects: the spell of individualism, the strong belief that one can be and do what ever she or he wants, but also the addiction to thrill, to compulsive consumption, and the need/fear of alienation, of estrangement to ourselves. The double meaning of the title refers to both witches (but also more in general to people who are considered different, such as outcasts or weirdos) and to the denial of the spells we are constantly put under.

opening Friday april 11
from 17.00 till 20.00
12 april – 22 may